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WISH A Whole Scholar
Approach to Education

High School - 9-12 » Schedule


Welcome to the WISH Academy Schedule Page. Below is information to understand the day in the life of a WISH Academy scholar.
Bell Schedule: In order to support our accelerated middle school students, families, community members, and co-located team members, as well as uphold the California State Laws around mandated instructional minutes and start times for high school students in grades 9-12, our schedule has changed ever so slightly for the 2022-2023 school year. Academy classes now begin at 8:30 am and dismissal is at 3:45 pm. Please see the Bell Schedule below. 
Early Drop Off: Families with middle and high schoolers are welcome to drop off their high school children early. Students who arrive on campus early will be directed to the study space, office hours, or the before-school breakfast program.
Grab and Go Breakfast for High Schoolers:7 :50-8:25 am: Grab & Go Breakfast will be available for all students. Please register in advance so we have enough meals for all who are interested, and please only sign up if your child will eat breakfast. Students will take their breakfast and eat near the HS yellow and blue benches in front of the main office.

HS Bell Schedule 24/25

TK - 12 Conference Week - 10/14/2024 – 10/18/2024
We are excited to connect with families during conference week.
ES - Look out for your teacher's BLOOMZ message with sign-up details.
MS - Sign-ups can be found in the WWW, or via email from Mrs. Lohith Clarke
HS - Sign-ups can be found in the WWW.
HS Grade 9-12 Conference Schedule - Fall 2024

Morning Drop-Off Options:  All morning drop-offs will occur on the Park Hill valet along the right-hand sidewalk. Students will walk through the pedestrian gate and follow the sidewalk to enter campus. Please do not pull into the parking lot to drop your child off on a school day. 
  • 7:50-8:22 Grab and go breakfast at the yellow tables for registered student
  • 8:22 am - Whistle is blown for students to go to their lockers & first period
  • 8:30 am -  First Period Begin
  • 8:30 am - 9:00 am - Tardy & late arrivals will continue to enter through Park Hill.
  • After 9:00 am any late arrivals will enter through the Hastings gate next to the auditorium.  

Student Drivers:

All students who will be driving onto campus will need to pick up a parking pass and provide the details of their vehicle to the High School front office. Student parking is in the Park Hill lot. 

After School Pick-Up Options: 
  • Exit campus by participating in valet on Park Hill, walking home, riding a bike, or by getting picked up in an alternative location where you have instructed your child to meet you. If you are using the valet, please follow the rules:
  • Stay in the valet line and slowly pull forward. 
  • Do not cut in front of others as they slowly pull up and fill gaps in the valet line.
  • Do not waive your child through the valet to walk in front of cars that are waiting.
  • Do not encourage your child to jaywalk; children whose parents park across the street will be directed to the end of the block to use the crosswalk.
The safety of all pupils is our number one priority. We are all responsible for keeping our kids safe. 

At the end of the school day, students need to leave campus or be in a classroom for a club or office hours, or at their designated athletic practice.