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WISH A Whole Scholar
Approach to Education

Practices » Special Education Services

Special Education Services

Student Support Services Overview
WISH was founded on the philosophy of inclusion and the belief that all students become more responsive and caring citizens when they learn together.In our inclusive model, WISH provides all special education services on a push-in basis within the context of the general education classroom. Students with disabilities are integrated with their peers in every single activity of the day, ranging from the structured educational experiences within their classrooms to unstructured social interactions on the yard to full participation in all of our extracurricular opportunities including clubs, sports, field trips, and more.
All WISH schools have a tradition and expectation of collaboration between general and special educators to create appropriate supports for all students.  We believe that excellence in education belongs to ALL students, and adaptations and modifications are flexible, so that student potential is realized without being hindered by limitations or expectations. Students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are developed with family input, and are connected to activities that clearly function as part of the student’s life. While the general education curriculum frames much of what we want students to learn, we believe that a language-rich, visually-rich and tactilely-rich environment enables all students to creatively participate in the learning process. In addition, multiple ways of learning and engaging must be considered and valued as students demonstrate what they know and how they best learn. 
The following are examples of the principles that guide our staff’s work:
  • All classroom and school activities will be made accessible through adaptations and modifications for learning, participation, and consideration of communication, sensory, physical and behavioral needs.
  • General and special educators will collaborate in cooperative teams to maximize learning and participation for students with a wide variety of strengths and abilities.
  • Multi-disciplinary teams will engage in an ongoing process to infuse therapies and services into natural contexts during meaningful routines and activities.
  • Ongoing collaboration and creative program design will remove any barriers, ensuring the success of each individual student.
  • Individual ability levels will be considered and adaptations and modifications will be made to ensure that each student is sufficiently challenged, while still experiencing meaningful learning without confusion.
Special Education is not a place, it is a service.
The goal is to provide all students with a disability the services necessary for success in the least restrictive classroom environment. Through partnership between parents, teachers, administrators, and related service providers WISH achieves excellence in teaching and learning for every one of our students.For more information regarding WISH’s Student Support Services or special education program or services, you may contact Rachel Woodward, WISH Director of Special Services, at [email protected] or (310) 642-9474, Ext 102. 
Resources for Parents
  • A Parent’s Guide to Special Education Services (Including Procedural Rights and Safeguards)-- English & Spanish
  • The IEP & You -  A guide for parents with information about the IEP meeting-- English & Spanish
  • The ITP & You - An informational guide for students with disabilities ages 14 and older and their families about the individual transition plan (ITP) -- English & Spanish
  • Are you Puzzled by Your Child’s Special Needs - Special education services information for parents --English & Spanish 
  • LAUSD Parent Resources for Engagement & Student Success Brochure - English & Spanish
Students with Disabilities & Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a federal law that requires the provision of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities.
A student is considered to have a disability if (s)he has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. A student is considered to have a substantial limitation when unable to perform a major life activity that the average student in the general population can perform. Major life activities include: walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual tasks.
If you feel your child may qualify for a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, please contact your teacher or Rachel Woodward, Director of Special Services and Section 504 Designee.
College Board / ACT Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The College Board and ACT are organizations that provide college entry assessments for admission to four-year colleges and universities. Students with disabilities may apply through these organizations for test accommodations. Student Support Services can assist parents in submitting these applications; however, it is the parent’s / student’s responsibility for providing applications and all required documentation for submission.
College Board
As a service to our students, we will provide assistance in requests for accommodations on college entrance tests. Please be aware that these tests are not required for community college entry.
Information to apply for accommodations as well as documentation requirements for the PSAT, SAT and AP tests can be found at Applications for accommodations for tests administered by the College Board are submitted electronically through the Student Support Services office. Please submit a completed Student Eligibility Form, Consent Form to the attention of Anna Szczubelek. If your student does not have a formal accommodation plan in place, please include supporting documentation with your request for accommodations.



Information for the ACT test and documentation requirements can be found at Applications for accommodations for the ACT are submitted electronically by the school. To request accommodations for the ACT Test, you must register for the test, indicate a need for accommodations and/or English learner supports, and select the type of accommodations needed. When you receive an email from ACT confirming your request for accommodations, submit a completed Consent to Release Information form below to Mary Bush, Directors of Student Support Services. Student Support Services will submit the request to ACT.
With all application requests, please submit required forms and documentation to Student Support Services at least 2 weeks prior to due date.